Happy Retirement Ruby!

Happy Retirement Ruby!

Ruby Parr has been delivering the Parish Magazine since she was 19 years old. At first in the Vicarage Road area and then, after she and Charlie got married, the Ainse Road, Harrison Crescent & Clifton Drive area instead.

And for many years Ruby was also producing the magazine each month – typing up the stencils to use on a temperamental ink-based duplicator machine.

When eventually delivering the 36 magazines became a bit too much, Joyce Robinson took over Clifton Drive and some of Ainse Road, then Vivien Birchall. But Ruby (with Charlie’s help) continued to do the rest and has now been delivering church magazines for a total of 62 years. This must be a record!

Enjoy your retirement Ruby.

Many thanks to Jean Hodgkinson who has volunteered to take on Ruby’s deliveries from September.