As part of the changes which will be made within church it has been determined that 6 pews will need to be removed and it has been agreed to offer these for sale. Two of these have now been sold, and the remaining four are now available to anyone. The pews are oak and measure 8 feet, 8 inches in length. Purchasers will need to make their own arrangements for removal and transport of the pews.
Those interested should contact the churchwardens to discuss payment and removal. The price will be £105 for each pew. This money will be put towards the cost of chairs, which will make the space more flexible.
Once the work to make our Future Vision for Church a reality starts there may be some disruption to the church interior as pews are removed and rearranged – please bear with us. There should not be any disruption to worship and activities at St Katharine’s during this time.