Thank you to all those who nominated charities to support the year. Six international charities were put forward – Barnabas Aid (Worldwide), Beautiful Hands (Laos), Learn (Nepal), Mary’s Meals (Worldwide), Smile (Worldwide) and ToyBox (Worldwide). Details of these were circulated to the PCC members before the meeting so that they had the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision.
The PCC met on Monday 5th August and during the meeting a paper vote was taken. The charity with the most votes was Barnabas Aid. This is a charity with the aim of supporting Christians across the work suffering persecution. You can find more details on their website at:
Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday 13th October, and we will be welcoming a guest speaker from the charity on Sunday 6th October to tell us more.
Update: Due to an issue which has arisen with this charity, we shall no longer be supporting Barnabas Aid this year. Another charity will be selected at the next PCC meeting