Christmas Dinner on Jesus

Christmas Dinner on Jesus

Everyone should experience a little joy at Christmas, but we know for many it can be a sad time. Loneliness, family breakdown, bereavement, or having just too little money to celebrate the occasion are some of the reasons.

So with the help and support of many individuals and agencies, this project organised by Urban Outreach, Bolton, is able to provide hampers to many who are struggling. The hampers contain everything that an individual or family needs to put on a traditional Christmas spread – right down to the mince pies and Christmas crackers!

Churches, schools and other organisations pledge to supply different items to go in the Christmas hampers. It is a massive undertaking (like Bolton Lunches for school children in the summer). This year our Team of churches has pledged to supply 500 boxes of Mint Chocolate Thins (After Eights or similar).

Please help if you are able.

They are needed before December 1st. Thanks.