Sunday Coffee Shop – Can you help?
The new rota for the Coffee Shop ‘staff’ is now out and there are a few gaps. If you know…
Christmas Post
The St Katharine’s postbox will be making an appearance in the hallway of church from Sunday 24th November for delivery…
Annual Income Survey
The Diocese requires us to take a survey of Parishioners’ income in October each year. All those who are aged…
Congratulations to Ruth!
This book, written by Dr Ruth Wills from Blackrod is aimed at teachers and practitioners working with young children, and…
Easyfundraising – August 2024
The latest quarterly payment from Easyfundraising has been paid to St Katharine’s for £95!! This is the biggest payment we…
St Katharine’s Wildlife Corner – Beeutiful!
The pictures below show our Eco-corner in the rear churchyard and has to be seen to be beelieved! It also…
40 Years of Bells!
Many congratulations to Mike Kay, our Tower Captain, for 40 years of service in this role. Mike has been a…
Rhea represents GB
We are very proud of Rhea, who is one of our Sunday School leads and an important member of our…
Carol McCabe’s 20th Anniversary of Ordination
Sunday, 23rd June was the 20th anniversary of the ordination of Revd Carol McCabe and we were able to celebrate…
Future Vision for Church
Making Space to Grow Following the changes proposed in the June issue of the Parish Magazine you are all invited…