40 Years of Bells!

40 Years of Bells!

Many congratulations to Mike Kay, our Tower Captain, for 40 years of service in this role.

Mike has been a ringer since he was 12!! He became friendly with the son of our Vicar at that time, Paul Davey, as they travelled to St Michael’s school together and he was invited to a New Year’s Eve party being held at the Vicarage. On that day, just before midnight, all those able to climb the steps to the ringing chamber went to watch the bells ringing in the New Year.

Not many weeks after that in August 1984, Adrian Mather – the Tower Captain at that time – had signed Mike up to start training. Tuesday evenings were practice nights in those dats and Mike along with Michael Parr would run through the pitch-black graveyard to the tower door as fast as possible!

The rest is history as they say – many congratulations Mike on reaching your 40 year milestone and thanks for all you do for St Katharine’s.

Ringers Needed: If you would be interested in “learning the ropes” to ring the bells for St Katharine’s on Sundays please get in touch with Mike to arrange for some training sessions.